Bend Sensor - T9550

SKU T9550

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Bend sensor is small enough to be placed on fingers and wrists to monitor joint motion 180 degrees of flexion. Use sensors back to back to get a 360 degree range.


  • Length: ~152cm (60”)
  • Weight: ~10g
  • Bend Sensor Type: Variable resistive
  • Sensor Resistive Range: 5KΩ – 400KΩ (native Infiniti modes)
  • Output Voltage Transfer Function: Vout = [RBs +243KΩ/(RBs +992KΩ)] * Vs where RBs = Resistance of Bend sensor in KΩand Vs = Sensor supply voltage
  • Current Consumption: < 1mA @ 7.26V nominal
  • Supply Voltage: 7.26VDC
  • Resistance to Voltage Accuracy: ± 1%